Fun Bamboo Facts

October 21, 2019

Fun Bamboo Facts


This months blog is a short one dedicated to providing a few amazing facts about one of the most sustainable products in the world.  Keep in mind bamboo is the largest member of the grass family.   It is also found in some of the most diverse climates around the world so it's understandable why its so commonly used and popular in almost every culture.   Lets take another look at what makes bamboo a popular natural product used by millions around the world.

Bamboo is great for the environment.   It releases 30% more oxygen in the air and compared to other plants the absorption of more carbon dioxide can help with cleaning the air by reducing harmful gases in the atmosphere.

Bamboo plants of the same species will also develop flowers at the same time no matter where they are located anywhere in the world.  That is simply an amazing fact since this grass grows in all types of climates.  




Bamboo is not just the favorite food of Panda Bears.  Other animals enjoy eating this grass too.   The lemurs of Madagascar and African mountain gorillas that live in bamboo habitats will eat the shoots of bamboo.   Elephants are also known to eat the leaves of this plant as well.  It's very popular in Asian cuisine.   The leaves are commonly used in salads, teas and in soup in many Asian cultures.  



Bamboo is actually much stronger than steel.  The structure of bamboo is so strong that it is widely used in the construction industry.  The tensile strength of bamboo will increase 20% more when its wet. 

The material is used to make a wide variety of products for the home.   You have bamboo flooring, beds, dishes and utensils.   Bamboo is even used to make amazingly soft linens and sheets showing how completely versatile this product is.

The final amazing fact about bamboo is it has a life span longer than humans.  This plant can live up to 120 years in the wild.   Who doesn't want to live to be 120 years old and still be fit and strong as steel?


I hope you enjoyed reading this short list of a few incredible attributes about bamboo.   I tried to include things that would help show how truly amazing and versatile this naturally sustainable product is.   What is your favorite fun fact or use for bamboo?   Let us know by leaving a comment below.  





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