Our Top 10 Nursery Safety Checklist
Designing your baby’s new nursery is one of the most fun and exciting experiences expecting new parents can have. It's a lot of fun picking out a theme and new furniture but it's very important to remember this new adventure can come with it's own hidden dangers if you don't plan well.
To help you with this we've created a nursery safety checklist with a few things that will need your attention as you plan for the new nursery before the baby arrives.
Heavy furniture like shelves, changing tables, dressers and even bookcases should be securely anchored to prevent tipping and falling.
Check all baby furniture, including the crib, high chairs and dressers for peeling paint, rough edges and splinters.
Check to make sure all the hardware, like the screws and brackets on cribs, high chairs and changing tables are not loose and properly installed.
Use a crib mattress that is not undersized and fits snugly to prevent your baby from getting trapped between the sides of the mattress and crib.
Check crib slats to ensure they are no more than 2 3/8 inches apart to prevent small body parts from getting trapped are squeezing through.
Window treatments with cords needs to be replaced, retrofit or properly secured to prevent any harm to the baby.
Keep crib and nursery free of any small objects, parts or toys that can pose a choking hazard.
Keep a small first aid kit for those little emergencies. It should include a rectal and/or ear thermometer, small packets of alcohol wipes, nail clippers, medicine dispenser, nasal aspirator, soft brush or a cradle cap comb and brush set. Make sure it is stored safely away.
All electrical outlets need to be covered at all times.
Install and/or check smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors to make sure they are working properly.
According to the consumer product safety commission (CPSC), making sure your baby’s crib and ultimately the nursery is safe is the best investment you can make. Many of the tips listed in this safety checklist is based on the CPSC own safety guidelines listed on their official website. If you find any products that are dangerous and has caused any type of injury please be sure to report it by contacting their hotline at 800-638-2772 or visit their web page www.saferproducts.gov
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