What’s in your Diaper Bag?

January 02, 2022

What’s in your Diaper Bag?

A diaper bag is one of the first things that we buy when we start shopping for the new baby because having a well stocked diaper bag is a must for all new parents. That is no surprise since being prepared is very important for ensuring your baby is always comfortable and happy while traveling.


In the beginning, you easily can get carried away and include just about everything that could possibly be baby related.  You want to avoid doing this.  In case of an accident or emergency, you don’t want a bag filled with non-essential items that will never be used so it's important to streamline your list by keeping it simple.  Keep in mind not everything in your diaper bag will be used all the time but most parents would agree being prepared for any unexpected surprises is the ultimate goal.


In this blog we are going to be focusing on the absolute essentials that you will need to have in your diaper bag on the first day you bring your newborn home.  As your baby grows your list will obviously change and you can swap out or include those items you find yourself using more frequently.  


  • Changing Pad
  • Cloth or Disposable Diapers
  • Travel pack of Disposable Wipes
  • Diaper Ointment
  • Vaseline and/or Lotion
  • Burp Cloths
  • Extra Bibs (For Feeding or Drooling)
  • Change of Clothing
  • Nursing Cover (For Breastfeeding or Carrier or Stroller Cover)
  • Extra Pacifiers and Pacifier Clips
  • Plastic Bags (For soiled or wet clothing)
  • Nail Clippers and Suction Bulb (To remove mucus from nose)
  • One or Two Small Baby Toys (Rattle or Teether)
  • Small Bottle of Hand Sanitizer


If you are a mom and there are some essential things that you included in your diaper bag that you would like to share with us, please let us know by leaving a comment below. 





Featured photo credit: Sarah Chai from Pexels


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